Who are you? I’m a mom and a writer, and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. I have two school-aged children and one fabulous husband (that’d be weird if I had more than one, right?). I inhale books, bacon, and wine, and my interests include over-sharing, Jason Bateman, and crashing high school reunions.
Is Foxy your real name? Uhhhh, no. My real name is Kathryn Leehane. Foxy is my blog name or alter-ego. I liken Foxy to my monkey puppet. She’s saying what I’m thinking. Okay, fine. I’m saying it too. But I really want a monkey puppet.
What the fuck is a Foxy Wine Pocket? That’s a made-up term. It’s a combination of a foxy pocket, which is an old-fashioned term for a hidden stash of cash, and a wine pocket, which is a dress pocket in which I hold wine. Read the full story here. (Yes, I was drinking when I made up that term.)
So what’s your blog about? Twisted suburban mom stories. Random ridiculousness. Supreme silliness. You’ll discover right away that I drink, swear, and sometimes talk about sex and other inappropriate topics. I am not one-size-fits-all. But hopefully, I’ll make you laugh by saying out loud what you might only be thinking. Or maybe you say it out loud too, in which case we should hang out. Call me.
Some of my personal favorite posts:
- Why I’ll Never Have Another Brazilian Again
- 9 Rules of Swearing for My Children
- The Pooping Tree
- Before You Buy This House, You Should Know I May Have Defiled It
- Masturbation Is Okay and Other Obscene Hand Gestures
- Motherhood Is Disgusting
What’s up with the swearing? Yeah, I swear. A lot. But with purpose. And not in front of the children, I swear. (See what I did there?) Just read around the words that offend you.
Do you write other stuff? I’m in some books, and I write serious shit elsewhere, but not here. Most of it you probably haven’t read because it’s corporate proprietary nonsense. But I may push the other stuff on you sometime. Like these posts:
- Hide and Seek
- When the Legal System Fails Sexual Assault Victims, We Have to Find Our Own Closure
- Suicide Is Not a Bad Word
- Transitions
- The Two Missing Kids: Explaining Miscarriage to Children
What can I buy you for Christmas? I love books, naps (can you buy those?), and pork products. Throw in some wine and cheese, and we’ve got ourselves a party—any time of the year.
Anything else you can tell me about you? I like parenthetical statements and strikethrough text. (A lot.)
Uhhh, how about something else? Well, here are some things other people have said about me:
- “Foxy Wine Pocket is life.”– Joel Ryan, The Glad Stork
- “I sometimes wonder if, in fact, you are a gay man, and I love it.”– Cary Vaughn, The Reluctant Cat Owner’s Journal
- “What is wrong with you?”– Ashley Allen, Big Top Family
- “You’re like The Bloggess, but with less taxidermy.” – blog reader
- “You saved somebody’s life. I was going to kill my mom until I read your piece on The Grandparent Hangover.” – blog reader
- “NSFW and completely inappropriate.” – blog reader
How can I contact you? My contact information is located here. You can also follow me on social media. See those colorful buttons in the upper right corner of my page? Click on them—all of them.
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