My grandma is 95, and I’m almost not even half her age. Ergo, I am too young for a midlife crisis.
(If I keep repeating that to myself it will come true, right?)
But the clues are all there … it’s coming. Here are eight signs your (my) midlife crisis may be approaching.
- You go over the top for special occasions. Me? I spent a wild weekend in Vegas to celebrate my friends’ 40th birthdays. And I discovered I’m too old to party there.
- You see things in a whole new way. Me? Specifically through a very bent pair of bifocals.

- You can’t stay awake anymore. Me? Let’s just say the following is regularly heard in my house: “Mom’s bedtime is movie o’clock.”
- Your eating habits change. Me? I ate this bowl of chopped kale and broccoli stems. On purpose.

- You do crazy things you never would have considered before. Me? I got up on stage and made a fool of myself—and gave zero fucks.
- In some ways, you become more practical. Me? I don’t use fancy wine glasses (that I’ll just tip over), and I put them on coasters even when unnecessary.
- You start thinking about those life goals. Me? I finally wrote that book. No shit. I wrote an entire book, and it’s now being edited by a real-life editor.
- You buy expensive and/or unusual items. Me?

Photo Credit: stocktributor / 123RF Stock Photo
23 Responses
Yeah…I kind of live on this list.
Pass the tequila.
Getting old sucks! I can relate to most of this unfortunately.
“Getting Old Sucks” was an alternate title. 😉
I’ve found I can no longer eat/drink like I used to. You know, total over indulgence. And what does it say about me when I think your kale and broccoli salad looks REALLY good??
I and my 15 extra pounds are right there with you.
The salad might be better cooked.
here in Puerto Rico they love the broccoli stalks, cooked of course.
I actually really enjoy it raw. But I’ll have to try it cooked too.
The priest at our church and his wife just came back from vacation. He was sporting a giant new tattoo of a cross on his forearm and she’d had her nose pierced. My husband thought they were trying to attract a younger crowd, but I said “Looks like a midlife crisis to me.”
Nice nose stud Foxy, and congrats on the book!
You totally called it. And thank you, Margot! xo
That nose ring looks amazing! But, sadly, so does that salad. Congrats on the book 🙂
Thank you. It’s not quite sparkly enough. I see a shopping trip in my near future. xoxo
I had my midlife crisis about 5 years ago, and boy was it a doozy. Still trying to recover.
Did you get some good music out of it at least?
I love the wine/juice glass. All you need to do is rinse it out through the day and then you don’t have as many dishes to do! I’m in the middle of mine right now, so I have to go give an eff and focus back on me.
Clearly we both need more wine in those practical glasses. Sending big hugs your way. xoxo
Been there. That kale and broccoli salad does look good. And the only thing that’s stopping me from that nose piercing is that, the practical side of me, can’t figure out how I’d blow my nose.
You are speaking my truth. I haven’t gotten a nose ring but just the other day I was considering it. That’s close enough for me.
Is repeatedly trying on different Trilby hats and trying (and failing) to make them work considered a warning sign? If so, then it seems my mid-life crisis has hit me at 35.
Damn it.
My midlife crisis came and went about 5 years ago. I’m a happier woman for it. I still need to buy myself that convertible, though…
Maybe that is my problem and I’m not excepting it. I thought it was just that my kids had sucked the life right out of me and I’ve been trying to fill it back up with wine and Botox.
Thinking of buying a camper and going on the road…. I may be having a guy mid life crisis… Oh well, someone’s got to be the dad around here… *eyeroll*
I have found some greys down there ?