Early in our dating phase, Mr. Foxy and I went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant—one with white tablecloths instead of paper ones. I ordered a salmon dish, and he ordered a prawn dish. When our meals arrived, I looked at both and immediately had dinner envy. One bite confirmed I had made the wrong selection, but I remained silent and choked down my salmon with tears-and-regret sauce. And I only stole a few forlorn glances at his meal.
Mr. Foxy read my face (apparently I’m no poker player) and offered to switch plates with me. I knew right then and there that he was THE ONE (actually I knew it before then, but this just confirmed my good judgment.) He later admitted the salmon kind of sucked, but he ate it anyways. Because he was hoping to get lucky already loved me.
Actually, my husband does a lot of things just because he loves me. Things like:
- He fills up my gas tank when he uses my car. I’m sure this has nothing to do with the fact that I
purposelyleave it running on fumes before he needs it. He just does it because he wants to shower me with love and affection. - He unloads the dishwasher every morning. It’s possible that he does this because I’ve complained about this chore so much that he wants to make the whining stop, but I’m going with the love thing.
- He pees sitting down. He does this even though he doesn’t want to because it makes my life easier. And the bathroom smell better. And the floors not so sticky. *chokes back vomit*
- He makes me coffee first thing in the morning. Every morning. Many days he even brings me a cup for when I get out of the shower. I’ve considered the fact that he does this to avoid the angry, pre-caffeinated Foxy. But I’m certain it’s just because of his undying love. (Or maybe he’s just making an excuse to visit me in the shower. Hmmm…)
But—by far—my favorite thing that he’s done because he loves me is… (Imagine a drum roll right now.)
- He took an intentionally horrible DMV photo for me.
See, about eleven years ago when we needed new drivers licenses, I went to get mine first. That particular day was incredibly hot and humid, and the DMV lines were long. By the time I passed my exam and was ready to be photographed, my face was a shiny, sweaty mess, and my curly hair was frizzed and standing about six inches off my head like an 80s pop star. But there are no redos at the DMV. I took home my horrendous license and cried for days (never mind that I was four months postpartum).
Mr. Foxy, being the chivalrous man that he is, surprised and delighted me with an EVEN WORSE license photo a week later—just to make me feel better. The photo resembled a dimwit’s mug shot. It was without a doubt the least flattering photograph ever taken of this man. So whenever I’d complain about having the worst DMV photo, he would pull out his license and prove me wrong. And then we would laugh until we cried at how stupid he looked.
Sadly, we no longer have these photos because the Oregon DMV made us turn them over when we got our drivers licenses there five months later. But the pictures looked a little something like this:

And for five glorious months, someone else had a worse license photo than I. *swoon*
Photo Credit: “coffee steam 1” by waferboard is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Cropped and added title graphic overlay.
25 Responses
THAT is so sweet…omg..that’s adorable.
RIGHT? I couldn’t believe he did it. I don’t think I would have…
is it just me or does the following sentence from the beginning have hidden and or implied naughty connotation?… 😉
“He fills up my gas tank when he uses my car. I’m sure this has nothing to do with the fact that I purposely leave it running on fumes before he needs it. He just does it because he wants to shower me with love and affection.”
oops, I meant sentences.. 🙂
If it does, blame my subconscious. She’s the naughty one. 😉
Your DMV photo is cute! You’re even smiling! In Jersey they actually don’t allow you to smile. Like they want us to look like criminals or something.
Kevin doest that at restaurants too. He’s sweet like that. Now I just need to talk to him and our boys about the peeing while sitting thing.
We didn’t try hard enough last night, apparently. The real license photos were so completely horrible. Even friends would be like, “I’m sure it’s not so bad … OH. Nevermind. That’s horrible.”
Mr. Foxy is making it hard for the rest of the husbands to measure up (That’s what she said?). You had me at filling your tank. (Again with the That’s what she said!).
I even took out some of the other nice things he does because I didn’t want y’all hating me too much. 😉
You are a very lucky woman!
I am. And very thankful as well.
in PA they say “smile or don’t” and then they let you approve the photo and retake if you want.
I like the PA DMV better now.
I LOVE the way you look at life!!! AND the way you love your husband BACK! Priceless!!!
Thank you!! Although I’m not sure I would have done the same for Mr. Foxy. He might be a better person than I.
What a great story! My husband, on the other hand, took a picture of me on my honeymoon, when I was in the water taking a swim. He shot it downwards from on a boat, so that the way the light hits my body, it’s refracted in such a way that my body looks small, bent and completely atrophied. My head, of course, looks perfectly normal, because it’s above water. Whenever we drag out the wedding/honeymoon album, he cracks himself up, because I look “special!”
I MUST see this photo.
Erma Bombeck is alive and well in San Francisco – foxy and funny as hell!
That might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. xoxo
I think I should send this to Alex for tips. He makes my coffee every time he stays over but that’s only like two nights a week. There have been vain threats that he will move the keurig over to my side of the bed when we are married… he needs to know that’s a deal breaker. And will be blogged about.
Definitely send it to him. And this one too: https://www.foxywinepocket.com/2014/11/11/im-still-sure-married/
Because overlooking slight imperfections is key.
Thanks, Foxy, for reminding me of how awesome my hubs is as well! He does everything on your list, but has never taken a bad picture. I’ll keep him anyway 😉 Kudos to the awesome men out there!!!
I too would like to thank-you for reminding me how awesome my husband is…after 40 years. He too does all these things..the dishwasher thing is kind of new..he finally really was tired of listening to the complaints. I didn’t complain for a long time because I didn’t have a dishwasher, but I did have a nice window view. Love reading you, takes me back years and to present day. Always see the humour in everything.
Oh, and I forgot to add this little gem, one woman’s sarcastically funny video on “how to load a dishwasher”
This has just been emailed to Brian.