Okay, a quick recap first.
Last year I wrote a ridiculous book review in which I dismissed the book’s believability because real-life women donโt enjoy giving blowjobs as much as the protagonist. After getting some hate-mail (from men), I conducted a very scientific research study that involved badgering interviewing my friends to collect data to support my original assertion. Then, I ran a survey to collect even more data from you readers, but I messed that up by not limiting survey responses. (READ: my husband choose “YES, YES, YES!” 485,972,498,752,984,755 times.)
So, I forgot the whole topic. (Much like I forget about blowjobs.)
Finally, last week I made a joke about apology blowjobs (thatโs a thing, really), realized I should have reported back about the tainted survey, and then ran a new survey, asking you (yet again) what you thought about blowjobs.
All caught up now? Good. Let’s get to that new survey.
So listen, Iโm a pretty simple and direct sort of person so I made the survey question simple and direct as well:
What are your thoughts on giving blowjobs to your guy?
And here were the options:
- Meh.
- Itโs quicker and easier than having sex.
- I do it when I want something like a purse or a trip.
- I love it. No, really, I do.
- I do it for foreplay and change positions before you know what happens.
- I say N-O to the blow.
- Iโm a lesbian, you idiot.
- Other: [fill in the blank]
A few of you immediately pointed out that I should have had some more answer options. Options like:
- It really hurts my neck.
- I have a sensitive gag reflex.
Unfortunately, those weren’t in the blowjob survey, but I’m still happy with the overall results. Over 500 of you responded, which gives me statistically-significant survey results (in the world of humor blogs). And here’s what you responded:
First off, Papa Does Preach, youโll be happy to know that more women (14.9%) blatantly lied because their husbands/boyfriends were watching actually love blowjobs than flat-out refuse to give them (11.3%).
Most of the rest of us, however, fell somewhere in between.
- Meh. 19.7%
- Itโs quicker and easier than having sex. 7.8%
- I do it when I want something like a purse or a trip. 7.0%
- I do it for foreplay and change positions before you know what happens. 29.2%
- Iโm a lesbian, you idiot. 0.6%
So hereโs how Iโd represent these results in a graph:

Percentages aside, the โOtherโ responses were probably the very best part of the whole survey. Here are some of my favorites (and my replies):
- โIโve never given one. I get on my knees for no one.โ (I read this one in the voice of Brienne of Tarth.)
- “I thought blowjobs were a ‘holiday’ thing. You know birthdays, anniversaries, and nothing says Happy Easter as much as a certificate for a blowie in his Easter basket.” (Dammit. I have to do them THAT often?)
- โSometimes, if he’s been very sweet, and I feel he deserves a ‘thank you for loving me’ gesture, AND I have my period, he’ll get a blowjob ‘to completion.’ But I never swallow. That shit’s gross.โ (Yep. It is.)
- “I will often do it if I think I’ve nagged at hubby too much and feel guilty about it.” (It’s called an Apology Blowjob. I don’t do those.)
- Yuck. The smells. The hair. The taste. Gag! (Yet another time Iโm happy to have anosmia.)
- โUnless it just got out of the shower, that nasty thing isn’t going in my mouth!!!โ (HAHAHAHAHAHA. *dies laughing*)
- โA quickie like when you are in the car.โ (No, I donโt do it there either.)
- “I’ve become a very bad ‘blow job giver’ over the years ๐ so my husband no longer even wants them.” (I think I just found a new Blowjob Avoidance Strategy. Too much teeth, anyone?)
Of course, several of you brought up a very valid point: that you should give it as much as you want to get it. I agree. And I believe that goes for most things in life: treat others how you want to be treated. (That doesn’t mean going around giving everyone blowjobs, people.)
And, for those of us who hate swallowing, one respondent had some helpful advice: “It isn’t wine, don’t swish it. It’s more like a shot of tequila, let it go down the back of your mouth and you won’t taste it.”
*throws up in mouth a little*
Let this be the last time we speak so much of blowjobs.
Photo Credit: mindof / 123RF Stock Photo
116 Responses
So I’m the token lesbian? My husband will be so disappointed to learn this.
Nope. Three people checked that one. ๐
I need a pink placard to hang on my bedroom door that looks like the handicapped parking one. Only mine has the woman’s rest room chick holding her face and cartoon pain symbols shooting out of it. (My husband calls TMJ “fake jaw disease.”) “What’s this?” he’ll ask. “I’m medically prohibited from giving head. It’s bona fide.”
HAHAHAHA! That sounds like a perfect business idea! Selling those placards to women everywhere.
My husband FINALLY understands that TMJ means maybe 30 seconds of fun, then I either need to stop, or my jaw is going to lock on something sensitive. That’s not an emergency call I want to make…
Love the graph and the comments you shared from the “other” category! There’s been a lot of focus on the pene this week. I think another song is in order, but I don’t know if Dan would be as game for this one. Thanks for obtaining and sharing this data, Foxy. I’m certain it’s reassuring for a lot of us women who’ve been feeling a little freakish for not being super freaks. (Please tell me y’all are old enough to get that reference!). I can only imagine how your male readers are feeling, though. Frankly, I’m a little concerned about Eric in particular.
Yeah, I’m not sure he’d be UP for that one. And, as much as I love the penis (I’m speaking of my husband’s of course), I think it’s time for a new topic. Any requests?
Eww! I hate tequila, too. No to the swallowing. I think I fall in the 29%.
(Me too.)
A friend and I used to have this hilarious routine about what happens when you’re giving a BJ and get a hair stuck in the back of your throat.
If you’re looking for a good avoidance strategy, turn into a cat with a hairball. *falls over in giggle fit*
*adds another item to Blowjob Avoidance Strategy list*
Does this make me a “published author” now?! (Not telling which one of the “other” responses was mine)
You crack me up. Look forward to your posts! One day, should I ever travel south again, we should share a bottle. Until then…. Have you tried J. Lohr cab sauv? My I-need-to-indulge-myself favourite.
Yes. Yes, it absolutely does. And I would love to share a bottle of wine with you. I tend to prefer Pinot Noirs but I’m an equal opportunity wine drinker.
(Thank you for the kind words!)
Yes. Let this be the last time we talk of blowjobs. *gags*
Oh, I saw alright.
What a brave and wonderful survey. I am amused to say that when I just read the options out loud to my boyfriend he immediately pegged mine. I can live with that.
I adore that you called this survey “brave and wonderful.” My husband also knew my answer. ๐
HAHAHA…Brienne Of Tarth..
I love her.
This is great! I’m not going to say I’m a holidays and birthdays kind of girl…but it’s a quarterly thing at best.
I love her too. It was definitely a compliment.
I’m not going to tell my husband about this because if I did, I know what he’d want to do tonight (or, more accurately, want ME to do tonight). But thank you for undertaking this necessary task.
You’re welcome. I think all talk needs to cease now. ๐
I hate them but I do them OCCASIONALLY to keep my husband happy. I don’t know how I missed your survey. Now you can add my answer to your data. =)
Thank you!
Amazeballs! Too funny ๐
Hehehe. You said balls.
France has way too many holidays for that to be a viable option. Getting off (heh) work for Assumption loses its appeal if I have to give a BJ.
I’m beginning to think that Hallmark is run by men who just create more ridiculous holidays in order to get more blowjobs.
I just want to emphasize, put in bold and underline this part, “that you should give it as much as you want to get it”
This is bringing to mind yet another very important survey that needs to be done . . . .
That really is the moral of the story.
That’s not true, by the way. Seems like bf thinks that bj’s are a necessary part of foreplay before sex….yet licking kitty is not….in fact it is a very rare occurrence that it gets any oral attention (and yes, it is clean, before you ask). In fact, I’m so tired of the whole deal that I have to bargain to at least get bent over the bed (almost doggy style I guess) during our session (the way I like it) if I give a bj. He uses too much teeth on my lady garden anyway, but I think he does that on purpose so I don’t keep bugging him about it…..
Hmmmmm, yeah, that’s not cool. Tit for tat and all of that.
I’m definitely one of those “but honey, it hurts my neck” kinda gals. I think my husband now does a quick cost/benefit analysis of receiving a blow job vs. the actual cost of chiropractor and acupuncture visits every time the thought of a potential bj crosses his mind!
I love that I don’t even need to come up with my own blowjob avoidance strategies–you ladies are doing all of the work for me. ๐
I strongly suspect the results may have been skewed by some of your male readers. And your husband.
*shuts off husband’s Internet*
And let me just say that the whole “I’ll eat a lot of pineapple and then it will taste sweet!” thing — is a LIE!!!!
I believe you 10000000000% and see no need to test that.
Just one more bj question. Do gay men like to give them or just receive them? And do they swallow?
Good question. I think you’re going to need to run a survey on that one.
Oh I wish that I had known about this survey. I certainly have an opinion. Everything about it is gross. Everything. And I am not a lesbian. Just saying.
I imagine that you would get the same comments and survey response if the question was about dining at the Y.
Talk about neck cramps lol
I have learned so many new phrases for oral sex during this survey. Consider me educated.
I’m a Birthdays and Bank Holidays kinda girl, but I have TMJ, so its not something I do often. And one day, some random bank holiday invented by men for just such an occasion, he felt my jaw creak and pop and freaked out… Now I never have to do it again… it gives him (and his willie) the willies…
Congratulations? on your TMJ. ๐
I hate them so much. I just tell my husband I’m really bad at them. After I said it about 200 times he started to believe it himself. Now he rarely Asks. I will find other ways to keep him happy. Ones that don’t include a penis into mouth. Yuck!
I think the key is you find other ways to keep him happy. That’s all we all really want to do, right?
So…..I’m one of the crazy woman ๐
Hey. Thanks for taking one for the team, Ashy! ๐
Me too girlfriend! I think there are more of us but the survey pool was a bit of a different pool.
I swear it was an open call. Most of the women do them, but they just don’t *love* them (which was my original point). Then there were the women who absolutely LOVE them. (I call you crazy, but I really love you.) Then there were the women who would never do them. That was the smallest percentage.
Call me crazy but I’m with Ashy here. It’s erotic, sensual and sex and I love giving to him
Bae, your guy is a lucky, lucky man.
I must be a crazy woman too. As long as we are showered and I get my lady garden attended to at least half the time as well…I don’t mind in the least. Esp as foreplay…
Me too. I enjoy it. And he returns the favor 10-fold. Win win. ?
I’ve had a few of these and while I’ve never asked, on occasion some women will just tell me up front that they love giving them. I’ve never known if I could trust that profuseness. I’ve always taken it with a grain of salt. I mean I like reciprocating, but it’s not my favorite part of the whole process. I enjoy it to the extent that I’m helping my partner enjoy themselves. I always assumed that’s what they meant when they told me they enjoy giving them. They enjoy it to the extent that they like seeing the other person (me) enjoy myself. Maybe that’s a weird way of looking at it. Anyhow, I loved the post. I look forward to reading more.
All i will say about women and their lack of desire to do blowjobs is these facts 1) if you gave them while dating but not now, that is what is known as Bait and Switch. One of the many known ways women tend to B&S. And then they wonder why divorce happens. 2) Strippers and other sex workers DO give blowjobs for tips so highly consider the possibility that you not doing them will mean someone else will. And not only will someone else do it, he will be diverting funds that could have been spent on you to HER. 3) Strippers and other sex workers always know whether their johns are married or not married. ITs a little known secret. You know how they know? the married ones want blow jobs , not sex.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that Sterling Montana is a man. And a slightly I satisfied man at that.
I am not unsatisfied at all . There is no emotion here. I kept it just facts. I would suggest you dont try to read subtext or hidden meaning.
Just read words as they are.
Yet he totally shows how much of a STRAIGHT MAN he is, once gain. Fail, but hilarious!
All I will say is 1) Men give oral sex much less than women give oral sex to their men. They reciprocate less. They make women orgasm, much, but much less. Yeah, many times even those ones whining about a lack of BJs. They also tend to just not do it anymore after getting married. And no, most divorces happen because of many incompatibilities at once, not just the lack of glorious BJs, boy.
2) Most women, even in those situations, won’t cheat on their partners with gigolos or strippers even thought hey could (and male gigolos for women tend to be really cheap – that is, if she doesn’t just accept one of the thousands of men willing to meet just to eat her out). They don’t because they know sex and relationships are much more than just oral sex. So even at that, women tend to be more respectful and less entitled.
3) No, sex workers do not “always know” whether their johns are married or not. Many times they know, of course. Many times, married men think it’s “less of a sin” to just receive oral sex than practicing intercourse while cheating on their wives.
I’m a freak I guess because I love giving to him and having him watching while I do it. Sometimes I orgasm while pleasing him because it turns me on to turn him on. Swallowing is faster and easier than changing sheets lol
Faster and easier, yes. But, palatable? No. And, YOU GO GIRL. For reals.
You are not the only freak then. Lol. I am with you. I love it and find it to be a total turn on. I also find that I sometimes orgasm while taking care of my man because it is such a turn on to turn him on. He is also equally generous on the return. Oh and my saying is “a lady never spits.” Lol.
Michelle; WOW!! If only all men could have a perfect wife like you!!! Men will be happy in a marriage if his wife strives to be the perfect lover and I think you are just that. I certainly hope he goes down on you because you deserve pleasure too. I talked to a lady once who was 53 years old and still going strong in that department and her husband never paid any attention to any other woman! Why would he?? They could never measure up to his wife. Swallowing too!!!! VERY NICE!!!!!!
Nah, most men do not pleasure their women at all. In fact, not even 30% of women get orgasms from their partners, while 80% of men orgasm EVERY SINGLE TIME they have sex. There are studies on that, look it up.
For that reason it would be a horrible reality if all men had dedicated women like her, as of course most of them don’t deserve it at all.
Do you swallow a woman’s squirt? THAT WOULD BE SO NICE!!!!! AHAHA ๐
I have enjoyed reading the responses!
I will take one for the team and say that i do like to give them, my hubby doesnt get as much as he would like (big suprise rite) and i admit i dont give them as much as i did over last 6 yrs, but hey- work kids tired sore neck and not enuff receiving to b feeling so giving ๐ But, i do enjoy the power of giving him wobbly knees cause hes blown away, lol, pun intended, yes i will swallow, then just not make it obvious i am drinking from ensuite sink tap.
As a man reading this, I feel rather sad for your husbands and partners who would happily go down on you in a heart beat.
Knowing there are woman who dislike sharing things like this SO much they lie to get out of it is a real downer.
Sure there is no law saying you have to. I just feel really sorry for you all reveling in how proud you seem thinking a delightful reciprocal enjoyable thing is seen as a joke.
Feel sad for husbands and partners that would go down on their wives/partners in a heart beat, like… the very rare type of men that most women will never meet in their lives? Don’t worry, dude, these men basically don’t exist.
In fact, there are more women willing to give oral sex than there are men willing to. Most men do not reciprocate as much. And the women who give oral sex still give it more frequently than the men who also give it. That and the fact that most women do not orgasm every time they have sex while most men do, and that most women don’t get an orgasm from intercourse alone (that tends to last for only 7 minutes in general anyway, and also which makes oral sex on women even more important than vice versa).
So yeah, you should feel bad for women. Most are giving less than they are receiving.
I like giving them and it’s easier to swallow. But I don’t do to completion a lot because then I will be hot and bothered and left unsatisfied. But if we had sex more often and I’ve had enough I wouldn’t mind doing it when I’m tired or in a hurry, etc. Also I’d like to point out how rarely men go down on women and expect nothing in return.
I will gladly give a woman a bj…its all in the tongue and not the teeth and using your hands for caressing…it’s also knowing some anatomy/physiology in term of a woman’s pleasure point(s)…straddle my chin reverse cowgirl style and it becomes a mutual bj pleasure…(69)
I am 29% all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have that shit sown to a science, I know right when to STOP!!!!!!!!!!!! He knows too, and teeth hurt if you even try any shenanigans!!!!!!! Seriously! I so wish in the new year to have the courage to at least write one or two posts along this line…..
Not only do I LOVE doing it, I made my bj-hating husband love receiving them. And to his credit, he gives waaaaaay more than he receives, and makes sure I always get to the finish line at least once before he does
So I have been with my husband since my 9th & his 8th grade year, over 23 years. In the beginning (high school yrs) I really thought it was disgusting but hell I cant get pregnant!! Nevertheless over the many years I have come to enjoy giving them due to the fact I know I am pleasing him in a way that intercourse does not plus I really enjoy it too, & i have never ever spit –I was raised that a proper southern girl/women never spits!!! Except now as I am older my neck seems to hurt more while I do it and my size G breast seem to make it more uncomfortable now, but hell I still gladly do it & offer him his “special treatment” (thats our code word for it like in text or on the phone) on a weekly basis. I will say this god forbid something happen to him or to our relationship and I became single again I truly believe I would not feel comfortable giving them, I fell that since we have been together for so long that is one of the reason I am ok with it and do enjoy doing it
This is hilarious. I โค๏ธ U
Hahahahahaha! Just found this post. You left out one reason to do it. You don’t have to talk dirty.
My choice would have beenโgets it over with faster. I have to add that I’ve been married for almost 43 years, and BJs are probably the reason why. LOL
I said it before that I respect women who don’t do blowjobs for whatever reason they don’t. I have heard that if the guy eats pineapple or drinks pineapple juice that the taste is more bareable
I just about died reading this. Hilarious. Reminded me of my last visit to the dentist actually. My jaw had started popping and she asked me if I had been involved in any strenuous usage of my mouth, such as chewing gum. Chewing….sucking…apparently they cause the same injuries.
I always thought I hated science and then I saw this! Science rocks. I mean, seriously
pie charts = mind blown. I give, I am good with it and if I am on my game–it is 5 minutes out of my life. And blow job minutes are like dog years. For every minute you spend, you get 10 minutes/$10 dollars whatever your currency. Very funny piece. Made my day.
Wow!! I feel like a rare bird, I absolutely love giving a blow job. Everytyabout it makes me feel powerful. I could go on and on about the wonderful things about it. But to keep you from throwing up I won’t. We can’t all enjoy the same things!
My husband loves to go down so I really want to be good at it. I even bought a book entitled, “How to Tickle His Pickle” in an effort figure to whole thing out. Is it possible to have mouth that is just too small for your man’s tackle? Seriously all the technicsI have read are just about impossible so it mostly ends up being a hand job instead of a bj. Still fun…just not giving my man the weak knees I am going for.
Man, I wish I was a lesbian!
Everything would be so much easier…particularly this issue. Bet lesbians don’t have funky breath, patches of hair missing from their heads and a supportive neck brace in the closet (for over-enthusiastic performances).
In my next life, I’m coming back as a lesbian.
Bet the conversation would be more captivating too.x
No gay male responses? I DEMAND A RECOUNT!
I used to HATE them when I was married. My hubby grabbed my head and tried to make me gag…or he’d finish with no warning at all. I had the song “that’s the sound of the men working on the chain gang” slowly going through my brain as I unenthusiasticly did the once a year duty. But a gay male friend told me a few pointers and I am amazing and it’s super fun now…too late for the hubby though (my bff was better than me).
Must share!!!
Now ask those who chose some variance of pro-BJ response how they feel about sharing toothbrushes.
It has been said that pineapple juice makes a big difference in the taste. I typically bring home pineapples from work. Slice it, dice it , the wife loves her pineapple. When I’m doubt either get some pineapple flavored lube and slather his manhood with it or go get some pineapple…nothing ventured…nothing gained
I didn’t start giving blow jobs until I was 48, yep, 48. Why? I got divorced after a long marriage to a very prudish man.
I discovered most men want it very much, so I was game since I was single and up for some non prudish sex. Apparently, I am pretty
I didn’t start giving blow jobs until I was 48, yep, 48. Why? I got divorced after a long marriage to a very prudish man.
I discovered most men want it very much, so I was game since I was single and up for some non prudish sex. Apparently, I am pretty good at it. But, having said that, I know my power now. I don’t do it unless I get something out of it for myself too or if I am feeling generous for some reason.
I swallow, it doesn’t bother me. But, don’t hold or push my head down or there will be teeth marks from when I bite you for being an asshole.
I love it. I really do. (I refuse to indicate how many men can attest to this.)
AND I’d honestly much rather give than receive.
I can’t be the ONLY one… Or if I am, shouldn’t I be Queen or something?? lol
Im right there with you. I honestly wasnt gonna reply before i could add my newly minted blog to my signature. Butttt i couldnt let you be alone.
I also have a very weak gag reflex…thankfully…since my fiance is blessed (amen) to whom I read this post as a reminder of what a luckky, lucky sob he is. Perfect timing simce I just ordered a $200 diaper bag. ๐
ME TOO! My hubby keeps trying to return the favor- but its really not my thing! Wish it was!
No one cited TMJ? Nothing like lockjaw and loud mandibular clicking to dampen the mood.
What the fuck is happening here?? Lol.
I give WAY more than I get, but I don’t really care that much. I can whack it myself and get to sleep just fine for god’s sake. Also, if it’s my birthday or father’s day or whatever I’ve done to deserve one, it’s not biggie if she runs to the bathroom to spit my potential her babies into the sink or toilet instead of swallowing. I’m Italian, so I get it, if she thinks she could become pregnant from swallowing. Anyway, good for you for at least talking about blow jobs. I miss them sometimes, but really not that often. I mean anal is pretty great too. Hahahaha!
This whole thing leaves me very concerned about how much I LOVE blowjobs. What is wrong with me?
nothing! I love giving blowjobs as well.
I’m with you gals ๐
I also love giving blow jobs. ๐
I’m a gay man and therefore do not remotely understand you women folk and your mysterious ways (and aversion to willies), nevertheless this made me howl laughing =)
In addition to his holiday blowjobs, my husband is also rewarded when he eats a salad. Seriously. I’m taking one for the team to avoid raising his spawn all by myself if he were to have a bacon induced heart attack.
Well lets look at the equivalent of a blowjob. Giving your woman cunnilingus. So men are required the lick the inside of a women from directly where they pee. Its not anywhere near rhe same as giving head. So im assuming the women who dont do it are also ok with not receiving it.
I think that ones doesn’t know anatomy that well… as if when giving oral sex to a man one didn’t lick directly where the pee comes out from. I don’t even.
Of course it’s not the same, giving oral sex to men is a lot more work, sometimes hurtful and of course less important, as most women can’t orgasm from intercourse only.
A guys perspective:
Blowjobs physically feel great and make us feel loved. Women stink as well, it can be hard on a guy’s neck, it can be long and tedious, it often tastes bad… etc. pretty much all women objections against blowjobs can be a man’s objections against cunningilus. We do it because we love each other, not because we are thrilled to taste smelly genitals. Being freshly showered is a must, and do what else is necessary to make it easier on the one performing. Yep yep.
I love this study and I love this post. It was hilarious. That is all.
I don’t do them as often as I once did, however I don’t mind giving head. I was a rather promiscuous young woman, so I became rather good at some things, not I’m really proud to admit that today, but i was also on the receiving end many times prior. Only a few of my lovers was i comfortable with oral with. To me, it’s the most intimate. My hubby and I fit perfectly in almost ask ways physical, I don’t have a gag reflex, so that makes a big difference too. The taste does depend on recently eating foods sometimes it’s better sometimes it’s more salty, I don’t mind swallowing it’s part of the process. Some people don’t like to finish in that manner, others really can’t get there, it seems to depend on the level of intimacy between the two. In our younger days my hubby and i, we were earth shattering. There may have been bigger thicker, younger, longer and just some the opposite, however we are a perfect fit. He actually prefers going down on me. Let’s face it, a man is gonna get his, one way or another, tthat’s a given. But a woman takes longer, it’s a build up, a climbing, and a true lover, wants both to experience. However in reality, we are lucky to get a shower quickie, or just bent over the bed, bc the kids are always around. I’m in the middle ground. And I do believe that bc we are both clean shaven (drapes, no carpet) it’s easier to stay fresh and clean.
14.9% I salute you. ๐ great, hilarious post! ๐
Definitely one of the “crazy” women here!! I love giving head. For me it’s a powerful moment. A man is so vulnerable in that position!!!
In the interest of fairness you should try to get a male survey for cunnilingus. You may also get responses similar to your female BJ question (only after shower, special occasion, etc). But wondering if the ratio is same or different. I know I would be downtown at least 75% of the time if I could. I’ll freely admit that I prefer if there has been a shower in the last four hours or so.
I am one of those mythical creatures that actually enjoys it. I never did before my husband, but now I honestly do. It is a total turn on & he actually has to stop me sometimes to have sex. I used to hate it but not anymore ๐ And lucky for me he loves to return the favor! Even after 16 years together .
Breakfast, lunch & dinner. Even brunch & fourth meal. Yes please. I live for giving it to my guy. I love everything about it. Hearing his moans & gasps, seeing his eyes roll back in his head, feeling his legs quiver, his hands in my hair- rocks my whole world & turns me on more than anything. I don’t care if my neck it jaw ache- hearing that gasp is more than enough reward for me. I love knowing he’s watching me & holding my hair- studying me. I get an incredible unmatched pleasure for no other reason than to show him I love & worship him. Not for what he owes me. The more I love it, the more he enjoys it. I’d wait at the door on my knees everyday he came home from work ready if he asked me to I love it THAT much. (Besides, if you’re enjoying it & doing it well/ it doesn’t last more than 2 min tops. Wink wink. I hardly call that hassle for something that could simply rock his ever loving world & helps him fall happily to sleep.) Sorry ladies- I don’t understand the aversion to blow jobs at all. I can maybe understand not swalllowing- but the absolute pleasure your guy gets from receiving a blow job should be more than enough reason to offer it up- willingly & often. I’m rather proud of being a blow job loving girl. Like a magical blow job fairy.
Blow jobs, like all sex acts, are done to show love, affection, and to feel close to your significant other. As long as it’s clean (trust me, a man will take that extra shower at bedtime for this) I see nothing dirty, or gross about it. It’s a rare occurrence that we begin, and end in the same fashion, but it’s usually included in there somewhere, and I wouldn’t change that for the world. I honestly believe a lot of women just Claim to not do it, or that they hate it, when talking with other women. A fall back to the days when anything but missionary with the lights off, meant you were a slut or, as one commenter said.. “a super-freak”. So.. put me on the list of those women that absolutely love blow jobs, and just so everyone knows, my husband of 14 years, isn’t here reading this, so it really is the truth. lol.
This is why men visit escorts.
So, here’s my thing. I am one of those women who actually really like giving blowjobs. I guess if I dated (or married) a man who wasn’t the best at hygiene or wanted one every day I’d agree with you girls. Here’s the dirty little secret though, some of us really liie doing it. Call it a kink or fetish or insane but I for one like all the things you’ve mentioned at being gross: smell, feel, taste. But like I said, if my guy was dirty all the time or (OMFG!) demanded or required one to make sure he “enjoyed” sex, then (figuratively) fuck ’em.
ONLY if *I* choose, and no head-holding, I get claustrophobic. And yes, I swallow. I like the tequila comparison.