Accidental Facebook Friend

I made an accidental Facebook friend the other day. It felt very much like a Seinfeld episode really. I was perusing my newsfeed while on the toilet. (Come on, you know you do that too. At least I wash my hands in between wiping and touching my phone again.) Anyhow, I was reading the comments on one of my friend’s posts, and I saw an old high school classmate. I clicked on her profile picture to see it better. As I was scrolling down her page, I accidentally clicked on the “Add Friend” button.

Oh crap. Time stopped while I tried to determine how bad this was. Naturally, I had to text my BFF Ricki to get her thoughts.

Me: “Fuck. I was trying to look at someone’s profile picture on my phone and accidentally sent her a friend request.”

Ricki: “They should make you confirm that action.”

Me: “Ohhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttt!! And yes they should make you confirm that action. They used to.”

I sat there for awhile while I calmed down enough to realize I wasn’t up shit creek or anything. And then texted Ricki again.

Me: “[Name deleted to protect the innocent] from high school. Remember her? I guess it could be way worse…”

Ricki: “Yeah. I remember her.”

Me: “At least it wasn’t an ex or an ex’s partner.”

Ricki: “Exactly.”

Me: “But there’s no polite way to take that back.”

Ricki: “She’ll accept it”

And accept my friend request she did. Thanks goodness I have actually met this person, and I don’t think I’ve ever done anything to piss her off. Turns out, she’s still very nice  and takes lovely, calming photos of the beach. So, really, it’s not a travesty. I mean, imagine if I had done that on an ex-boyfriend’s page. Or worse—an ex-boyfriend’s wife’s page. Because you know I’ve checked a couple of those wives out. Some maybe more than a few times. (Come on, you know you do that too.)

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