So you’ve never heard of a foxy pocket, eh? Much less a foxy wine pocket? Well, here’s the deal. Grandma used to give us kids cash at Christmas and other holidays, telling us it was for our “foxy pockets.” She instructed us to do whatever we wanted with the money and that we didn’t have to tell anyone about it (especially our parents).
I thought we were the only ones who used that term (and that Grandma was a little crazy) until I, in a fit of nostalgia, was searching the web for any references of foxy pockets. Then I found a relevant article over at Money Saving Jewels: “Every woman should have a few bucks, that her husband doesn’t know about, to do with as she pleases.”
BINGO. Turns out Grandma wasn’t crazy and was, in fact, genius. GENIUS.
Here is my actual foxy pocket. Like, I really have that in my purse. (Hold your tongue and say that.) Except I spent the cash eons ago.
So where does the wine fit in? Well, I feel the same way about wine as I do about cash. I should indeed have a few bottles of wine around at any given time to do with as I please. (Mr. Foxy knows all of this, but he pretends to not see me drinking. Or hoarding cash.) Also, I tend to favor dresses that have pockets in them. Because pockets. I recently discovered at a wedding that these pockets do a very effective job of holding leftover wine bottles that the hosts may (or may not) be handing out at the end of the reception. So I christened them “wine pockets.”

Turns out foxy pockets and wine pockets are two of my favorite things. Thus, the Foxy Wine Pocket was born. Doesn’t it have a nice ring to it?
I don’t know—maybe I just had too much wine that night.
3 Responses
I’m so happy to hear this story! It’s endearing and I’d always wondered 🙂
Awww, thank you! Much like I always wondered about your name–until you explained the non-dirty version. 😉 xo
LOVE this and your Grandma! When my wine rack gets low, I get low too. So, it must be maintained on a regular basis. May I call it my foxy wine rack? Maybe that doesn’t work, LOL. I love the idea of a dress with pockets for taking left over wine home.